Appendix to Stages of Insight
Three stages of “tender insight” (taruṇa vipassanā):
Defining of Nāma and Rūpa (nāma-rūpa-pariccheda ñāṇa)
Discerning the Conditions of Nāma and Rūpa (paccaya-pariggaha ñāṇa)
Investigation Knowledge or Comprehension by Groups (sammasana ñāṇa)
Eight Stages of Principal Insight (Mahā-Vipassanā ñāṇa):
Knowledge of the Arising and Falling Away of Nāma and Rūpa
(udayabbhayā ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Dissolution (bhanga ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Terror (bhaya ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Danger (ādīnava ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Dispassion (nibbida ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Desire for Deliverance (muccitukamyatā ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Reflection (paṭisankhā ñāṇa)
Knowledge of Equanimity about Saṅkhāra Dhammas (saṅkhārupekkhā ñāṇa)
Adaptation Knowledge (anuloma ñāṇa)
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