Appendix to Chapter 12

The cittas accompanied by chanda, zeal or wish-to-do

Chanda can be of all four jātis, but as regards the jāti which is vipāka, chanda accompanies only mahā-vipākacittas, not ahetuka vipākacittas; as regards the jāti which is kiriya, chanda accompanies only mahā-kiriyacittas, not ahetuka kiriyacittas. Out of the eighty-nine cittas, twenty cittas are not accompanied by chanda: the two types of moha-mūla-citta and the eighteen ahetuka cittas.

Summarizing the cittas which are accompanied by chanda, they are the following , when cittas are counted as eighty-nine:

  • 10 akusala cittas

  • 24 kāmāvacara sobhana cittas

  • 15 rūpāvacara cittas

  • 12 arūpāvacara cittas

  • 8 lokuttara cittas

—altogether: 69 cittas

When lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhānafactors of the different stages of jhāna are taken into account, there are forty lokuttara cittas instead of eight. In that case there are hundred-and-one cittas accompanied by chanda.

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