Appendix to Chapter 5
Cetanā as a link in the “Dependant Origination”
Cetanā as a link in the “Dependant Origination” is called abhisaṅkhāra. There are three kinds of abhisaṅkhāra:
meritorious kamma-formations (puññ’ābhisaṅkhāra)(224)
demeritorious kamma-formations (apuññ’ābhisaṅkhāra)
imperturbable kamma-formations (āneñj’ābhisaṅkhāra)
Meritorious kamma-formations are the cetanās which accompany the eight kāmāvacara kusala cittas or mahā-kusala cittas (kusala cittas of the sense-sphere)(225), and the five rūpāvacara kusala cittas (rūpa-jhānacittas)(226).
Demeritorious kamma-formations are the cetanās which accompany the twelve akusala cittas, which are: eight lobha-mūla-cittas, two dosa-mūla-cittas and two moha-mūla-cittas.
Imperturbable kamma-formations are the cetanās which accompany the four arūpāvacara kusala cittas (arūpa-jhānacittas). The meritorious kamma-formations and the demeritorious kamma-formations which produce rebirth-consciousness also produce rūpa. The imperturbable kamma-formations do not produce rūpa. Those who cultivate arūpa-jhāna have realized the disadvantages of rūpa. The arūpāvacara kusala cittas which are very tranquil, very refined, produce rebirth-consciousness in the relevant arūpa-brahma planes where there is no rūpa and no sense-impressions. There are four arūpa-brahma planes corresponding to the four stages of arūpa-jhāna.
These three classes of kamma-formations are a link in the Dependent Origination.
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