Appendix to Chapter 20

Summarizing the fourteen akusala cetasikas, they are:

  1. ignorance (moha)

  2. shamelessness (ahirika)

  3. recklessness or fear of blame (anottappa)

  4. restlessness (uddhacca)

    The above 4 arise with all akusala cittas

  5. attachment (lobha), arising with eight types of citta, the cittas which are lobha-mūla-cittas, cittas rooted in attachment.

  6. wrong view (diṭṭhi), arising with four types of cittas rooted in


  7. conceit (māna), arising with the four types of cittas rooted in

    attachment which are unaccompanied by wrong view.

  8. aversion (dosa), arising with two types of citta, the cittas which

    are dosa-mūla-cittas, cittas rooted in aversion.

  9. envy (issā)

  10. stinginess (macchariya)

  11. regret (kukkucca)

    The above 3 may or may not arise with the two types of citta rooted in aversion, but they never arise together.

  12. sloth (thīna)

  13. torpor (middha)

    The above 2, may or may not arise with four types of citta rooted in attachment which are prompted, and with one type of citta rooted in aversion which is prompted. Sloth and torpor always arise together.

  14. doubt (vicikicchā) arising with one type of moha-mūla-citta, citta rooted in ignorance

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