Appendix to Chapter 34
Nineteen Sobhana Cetasikas accompanying each Sobhana Citta
confidence, saddhā
mindfulness, sati
shame, hiri
fear of blame, ottapa
non-attachment, alobha
non-aversion, adosa
equanimity, tatramajjhattatā
Six Pairs
calm of cetasikas, kāya-passaddhi
calm of citta, citta-passaddhi
lightness of cetasikas, kāya-lahutā
lightness of citta, citta-lahutā
pliancy of cetasikas, kāya-mudutā
pliancy of citta, citta-mudutā
wieldiness of cetasikas, kāya-kammaññatā
wieldiness of citta, citta-kammaññatā
proficiency of cetasikas, kāya-pāguññatā
proficiency of citta, citta-pāguññatā
uprightness of cetasikas, kāya-ujukatā
uprightness of citta, citta-ujukatā
These sobhana cetasikas accompany: twentyfour sobhana cittas of the sense-sphere, kāmāvacara sobhana cittas.
eight mahā-kusala cittas
eight mahā-vipākacittas
eight mahā-kiriyacittas
fifteen rūpa-jhānacittas of five stages
five rūpāvacara kusala cittas
five rūpāvacara vipākacittas
five rūpāvacara kiriyacittas
12 arūpāvacara-jhānacittas of fourstages
four arūpāvacara kusala cittas
four arūpāvacara vipākacittas
four arūpāvacara kiriyacittas
eight lokuttara cittas
(or forty, when lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhāna-factors of the different stages of jhāna are taken into account.)
Six Sobhana Cetasikas which do not accompany each Sobhana Citta: {.subsection}
abstinence from wrong speech, vacīduccarita virati
abstinence from wrong action, kāyaduccarita virati
abstinence from wrong livelihood, ājīvaduccarita virati
compassion, karuṇā
sympathetic joy, muditā
understanding or wisdom, paññā
Thus, altogether there are twenty-five sobhana cetasikas, of which nineteen arise with each sobhana citta and six do not arise with each sobhana citta.
The three abstinences (the virati cetasikas) can accompany the following cittas:
eight mahā-kusala cittas which are of the sense-sphere (kamāvacara
eight (or forty) lokuttara cittas which are always accompanied by
all three abstinences
Compassion (karuṇā) can accompany the following cittas:
eight mahā-kusala cittas
eight mahā-kiriyacittas
twelve rūpāvacara cittas (the rūpāvacara kusala cittas, vipākacittas
and kiriyacittas of the first, second, third and fourth stage of
jhāna (of the fivefold system)
thus, compassion can accompany twenty-eight types of citta
Sympathetic joy (muditā) can accompany the following cittas:
eight mahā-kusala cittas
eight mahā-kiriyacittas
twelve rūpāvacara cittas
thus, sympathetic joy can accompany twenty-eight types of citta in all.
Understanding (paññā) accompanies the following cittas:
four mahā-kusala cittas (those which are called: ñāṇa-sampayutta,
accompanied by understanding)
four mahā-vipākacittas (ñāṇa-sampayutta)
four mahā-kiriyacittas (ñāṇa-sampayutta)
five rūpāvacara kusala cittas (of the five stages of rūpa-jhāna)
five rūpāvacara vipākacittas
five rūpāvacara kiriyacittas
four arūpāvacara kusala cittas (of the four stages of arūpa-jhāna)
four arūpāvacara vipākacittas
four arūpāvacara kiriyacittas
eight lokuttara cittas
Thus, understanding accompanies fortyseven types of citta in all: twelve kāmāvacara cittas, fifteen rūpāvacara cittas, twelve arūpāvacara cittas and eight lokuttara cittas
When forty lokuttara cittas are counted instead of eight, namely, lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhāna-factors of the five stages of jhāna, there are seventynine cittas in all accompanied by understanding.
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