Other books
Abhidhamma in Daily Life is an exposition of absolute realities
in detail. Abhidhamma means higher doctrine and the book’s purpose
is to encourage the right application of Buddhism in order to
eradicate wrong view and eventually all defilements.
The Buddha’s Path An Introduction to the doctrine of Theravada
Buddhism for those who have no previous knowledge. The four noble
Truths - suffering - the origin of suffering - the cessation of
suffering - and the way leading to the end of suffering - are
explained as a philosophy and a practical guide which can be
followed in today’s world.
Buddhism in Daily Life A general introduction to the main ideas
of Theravada Buddhism.The purpose of this book is to help the reader
gain insight into the Buddhist scriptures and the way in which the
teachings can be used to benefit both ourselves and others in
everyday life.
The World in the Buddhist Sense The purpose of this book is to
show that the Buddha’s Path to true understanding has to be
developed in daily life.
Cetasikas Cetasika means ’belonging to the mind’. It is a mental
factor which accompanies consciousness (citta) and experiences an
object. There are 52 cetasikas. This book gives an outline of each
of these 52 cetasikas and shows the relationship they have with each
The Buddhist Teaching on Physical Phenomena A general
introduction to physical phenomena and the way they are related to
each other and to mental phenomena. The purpose of this book is to
show that the study of both mental phenomena and physical phenomena
is indispensable for the development of the eightfold Path.
The Conditionality of Life By Nina van Gorkom.
This book is an introduction to the seventh book of the Abhidhamma,
that deals with the conditionality of life. It explains the deep
underlying motives for all actions through body, speech and mind and
shows that these are dependent on conditions and cannot be
controlled by a ‘self’. This book is suitable for those who have
already made a study of the Buddha’s teachings.
Books translated by Nina van Gorkom
Mettā: Loving kindness in Buddhism by Sujin Boriharnwanaket. An
introduction to the basic Buddhist teachings of mettā, loving
kindness, and its practical application in todays world.
Taking Refuge in Buddhism by Sujin Boriharnwanaket. Taking
Refuge in Buddhism is an introduction to the development of insight
A Survey of Paramattha Dhammas by Sujin Boriharnwanaket. A
Survey of Paramattha Dhammas is a guide to the development of the
Buddha’s path of wisdom, covering all aspects of human life and
human behaviour, good and bad. This study explains that right
understanding is indispensable for mental development, the
development of calm as well as the development of insight.
The Perfections Leading to Enlightenment by Sujin
Boriharnwanaket. The Perfections is a study of the ten good
qualities: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy,
patience, truthfulness, determination, loving-kindness, and
These and other articles can be seen at www.zolag.co.uk or www.scribd.com (search for zolag).
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